International Education Attendance Boundary Program
Sunset Elementary School infuses a global awareness perspective into its unique international curriculum. Throughout the school year, teachers focus on making global connections within each subject area. Students investigate the world, consider a variety of perspectives, communicate ideas, take meaningful action, and make a difference. They exhibit habits of critical thinking, rational optimism, innovation, empathy, awareness of the influences of cultures on individual behavior and world events. International education is an integral part of the curriculum and is integrated throughout the school day. Students have knowledge of other world regions and cultures. Students engage in projects and activities with an authentic audience of international students using Skype and other technology resources and connect with students in foreign countries and states. Students read periodicals published abroad, compare literature and poetry from different countries, and construct real world machines while exploring the concept of energy while integrating science, technology, engineering, and math. Students create models of world attractions, compare art and music of different cultures, learn folk dances from other nations, prepare recipes, sample ethnic food, visit cultural performances by foreign artists, dramatize folk customs, and play foreign games. Students become international thinkers while developing skills that promote respect and cut across customs, cultures, and educational settings. This comprehensive approach to education intentionally prepares students to be active and engaged participants in an interconnected world.